We are currently taking 10-12 working days on average to complete reports.
As these are subject to change, please check back for updates.

When property isn't insured for how much it should be, it doesn't only mean financial loss. Not being able to rebuild or repair your family home or the business you depend on can lead to prolonged disputes, stress and often lifelong consequences. We believe passionately that people shouldn't have to go through this, which is why we've made rebuild cost assessments affordable and easy to access.
At RebuildCostASSESSMENT.com, we help to tackle underinsurance...
In the past, having a property expert visit your building to complete a survey would have cost you an arm and a leg and taken forever to arrange. But not any more. Most of our assessments are completed remotely, and when we do a survey on site we always do our homework before arriving. Our professional rebuild cost assessments are easy to arrange online and this makes them faster and more affordable.
So fast and affordable in fact, that since 2018, we've helped more than 100,000 property owners insure their buildings for the right amount. As many as 83% were underinsured, meaning any claim they would have made under their policy could have been severely reduced. As many as 13% were overinsured, meaning they were paying more than they needed to for their insurance. For more information about under and over-insurance, please see our latest infographic here.
RebuildCostASSESSMENT.com is now leading the market in building insurance valuations and it's our goal to make sure insurance is working properly for UK property owners, everywhere.
Make sure your property, or your clients property is insured for the right amount today...

Removing the Average Clause is a great way of simplifying your product and demonstrating customer care. However, we understand it's equally important to ensure premiums are commensurate with risk. We're ready to help you develop a programme to tackle inaccurate sums insured effectively.

Rebuild Cost Assessment Ltd is now FSQS accredited, providing compliance assurance to our customers and their clients.
FSQS (Financial Services Qualification System) is a community of financial institutions including banks, building societies, insurance companies and investment services who have all collaborated to agree a single standard for demonstrating compliance to regulators, internal policies and governance controls.
We recognise the importance of the security of our assets, confidentiality of information and the need to be protected from threats from unauthorised use, disclosure or destruction. As a result, we maintain appropriate controls across our business to ensure we are suitably protected and can mitigate damage should a security incident occur.
Our controls comply with the international standard for Information Security Management Systems ISO 27001:2013
We are fully registered and compliant, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018
We are 'Regulated by RICS'...
RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) is a global professional body, which promotes and enforces the highest international standards in the valuation, management and development of land, real estate, construction and infrastructure. Rebuild Cost Assessment Ltd is a ‘Regulated by RICS’ organisation, which demonstrates how we:
• Practice to globally recognised standards
• Behave ethically, and act with integrity and honesty
• Have the required skills and competencies to do the job
• Manage conflicts of interest transparently
• Provide adequate and appropriate indemnity for our work
• Handle complaints and disputes fairly
Our ‘Regulated by RICS’ status means you can feel confident in our standards and the quality of our service.